Fall 2023 Welcome Parties!

Northampton Community College (NCC) invited students outside to kick off the start of the 2023 Fall semester. On August 31, NCC’s Monroe campus hosted “Rock the Block,” followed by “Quad Fest” at the Bethlehem campus on September 7. These events are held to unite the community and introduce students to the diverse clubs and organizations available at each campus. It also allows students to a well-deserved break from their demanding schedules to relax and enjoy the welcome parties! 

Rock the Block at Monroe introduced students to the Film Club, Student Life, Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society, and more clubs and departments at the college. The event entertainment was enjoyed by all, thanks to NCC professor and DJ, Andrew McIntosh, featuring DJ Cap Cee and a group of professional break dancers showing off their best moves. Attendees noshed on corn dogs, pasta, pretzels, cookies, and other refreshments throughout the afternoon. Two therapy pups made an appearance, as they sometimes do throughout the semester at Monroe! People took home souvenirs while visiting each table, such as plants, accessories, and homemade room decor, and a few attendees even added some flair to their hair.

NCC student

Students and the NCC family came out to enjoy the weather and exciting atmosphere at Quad Fest on Bethlehem campus. Joining the fun, were the DJs and breakdancers from Rock the Block, who kept the energy alive and active. International students proudly displayed their flags in the quad. Everyone in attendance was offered snow cones to beat the heat along with other refreshments. The Dunkin’ Donuts Cruiser rolled in for anyone who wanted to cool off with an iced coffee during their break in the day. Students found clubs and organizations that fit their lifestyle and personality, while also branching out to learn about new and exciting possibilities at the college and in the community. 

Events like Rock the Block and Quad Fest are an excellent way to kick off the new semester and enable both new and returning students to become more familiar with their campus resources and opportunities.


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