Emergency Funds Needed for NCC Students

NCC students are a special group who do incredible things in and outside the classroom. But for many, having enough food to eat, a place to live, transportation to get to class and simple utilities like electricity, are all a daily challenge.

Last year, 48% of NCC students said they didn’t have enough food to eat, and 47% were worried about where they would live. Nearly 70% stressed about having enough money to pay for school. It’s hardly a recipe for college success.

Spartan Aid Fund provides critical aid to students

Fortunately, the Spartan Aid Emergency Relief Fund exists to help NCC students in their darkest financial hours. During the past two years, the fund provided $66,000 to students for food, $47,000 for transportation, $38,000 for essential living needs including shelter, and more than $41,000 to pay for utilities.

The bad news is that the demand for these emergency funds is outpacing resources. And with the fall semester fast approaching, your help is needed to raise $50,000 to replenish the Spartan Aid Fund that relies solely on donations to support students.

Double your donation with the $25,000 matching gift challenge

Please help us keep our students strong by donating today so they can focus on their studies, not financial worries. A generous donor has provided a badly needed boost by making a matching gift challenge that will double all donations up to $25,000. Your support will go twice as far!

To make a donation, please go to Spartan Aid Support, or send a check payable to Northampton Community College Foundation, 3835 Green Pond Road, Bethlehem, PA 18020.

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