Grad Spotlight: Jack Wagenheim

At the young age of 14, Jack Wagenheim, NCC business administration major and dual enrollment student, stepped into the halls of Northampton Community College (NCC), his heart pounding with a mix of excitement and trepidation. With a passion for programming, Wagenheim was determined to carve his own path, despite his youth. 

As a dual enrollment student, Wagenheim juggled his high school studies with college-level courses. Inspired by his father's entrepreneurial spirit, Wagenheim went into his major to learn the skills that would one day help him build his own website or gaming company. 

He enjoys tinkering with code, creating games on platforms like Roblox. With every project his skills have grown, and his creations garnered increasing attention, one amassing over 1.3 million plays. 

“I have been improving my skills and becoming more technically advanced in making my games more efficient and professional,” says Wagenheim. 

From the supportive professors who nurtured his curiosity to the camaraderie of clubs like Phi Theta Kappa and the Tabletop Gaming Club, Wagenheim formed lasting relationships with his peers and mentors at NCC.  

“Communicate with your professors during your classes if you're having issues with the course material. From my experience, they are always very interested in helping the students who show an interest in learning,” he says. 

Wagenheim advises students to take notes while reading the chapters. “It sounds simple, but I did not realize how effective it was until I started doing it myself. Not only do notes let you come back to the information later, but they also help you memorize the information more than I had realized.” 

He will graduate from NCC this May with his associate’s degree at the age of 15 with a 4.0 GPA. He has also recently earned his high school diploma two years early and with 49 credits. He plans to attend Moravian University with a merit scholarship and is looking to pursue a career in Roblox game development after graduating with his bachelor’s degree.