Grad Spotlight: Richard Araque

Richard Araque came to Northampton Community College (NCC) as a part of the Community College Initiative (CCI) Program, sponsored by the U.S. Department of State. The CCI Program provides opportunities for students from other countries to develop leadership capabilities, professional skills, and English language proficiency, while studying at a community college in the United States.  

Araque is studying education and intends to earn a child development associate specialized diploma before he leaves to go back to his home country of Colombia this May. He’s lived in the residence halls on the Bethlehem campus the past year, and he’s loved being a part of the culture on campus. 

Araque has embraced opportunities to expand his horizons and develop new skills. His involvement in the International Student Organization has allowed him to connect with students from diverse backgrounds and cultures, enriching his college experience. As the person who manages social media for the organization, he creates engaging content to promote club activities and foster community engagement. 

Transitioning from his home country to study in the United States presented challenges, particularly adjusting to the different educational system and teaching style. Araque viewed this experience as transformative, enabling him to develop valuable time management skills and adapt to new methods of absorbing information. He’s also very proud to have learned English as a second language, which has allowed him to study at the college. 
Driven by a desire to prepare young people for the future and guide them through their educational journey, Araque's ultimate goal is to become a teacher in early childhood education. While he acquired some knowledge of his chosen field in Colombia, he values the comprehensive education he has received at NCC, particularly the caring and interactive approach of his professors. 

“When I graduate from here, I’m going to face my future with the skills that are required in the world that we live in nowadays. It’s one of the biggest accomplishments I’ve had this far,” he says of his time at NCC.