Personal Care Home

Personal Care Home Continuing Education

Northampton Community College is conducting free statewide training for Personal Care Home staff and administrators and staff licensed agencies serving individuals with intellectual disabilities. The training is funded by the Department of Human Services Bureau of Human Services Licensing and each continuing education class is equal to three (3) annual training hours, unless otherwise noted. Participation is limited to staff persons working in Pennsylvania’s licensed personal care homes, assisted living residences, community homes for individuals with intellectual disabilities, family living homes, adult training facilities and vocational facilities for individuals with intellectual disabilities. 

Fall 2024 Virtual Classes

This course provides education for personal care home staff on the prevention, identification, and care strategies for residents with delirium, dementia, and depression. It will provide tools that can be used in the personal care home setting, and focus will be on the assessment of cognitive issues in adults with delirium, depression, and dementia including Alzheimer’s disease. 

This course will focus on best practices pertaining to medication accountability and security requirements. A review of security requirements will allow participants to identify areas of risk and the ability to follow best practice guidelines for medication safety compliance in their facility. 

This course will be offered to personal care home staff as an update and review of the care of residents with diabetes, as required by 2600.190b., and provided by a Certified Diabetic Educator. It will include diabetes updates; care and treatment options for residents with diabetes; instruction on the proper techniques for administering insulin and GLP1 agonist techniques, and oral medications; instructions for recognizing signs and symptoms, and corrective actions for, hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia. Prior experience administering oral medications and insulin in a personal care home setting within the last year is required. This a FREE statewide training funded by Adult Residential Licensing, Pennsylvania's Department of Human Services for Personal Care Home staff and administrators and staff of licensed agencies.  Please email to schedule a class.


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This training will pull from elements of the entry-level training, “Creating Inclusive Communities for LGBTQ+ Older Adults” to set a foundation for practitioners on the needs and experiences of LGBTQ+ individuals in personal care home settings. While these trainings will provide information across the timeline, attention will be paid to generational differences centering on older adults. This training will also include best practices around cultural competency and a person-centered approach to care for the population. Next, practitioners will receive a deeper look at the experiences of Transgender care recipients through elements from our training entitled “Transgender Aging”. This will include discussions around the different types of transitioning and how they may manifest in care settings. This will also include scenarios centered around common assumptions and issues that arise, and how to address them. Finally, practitioners will focus on bullying in congregate care settings. This will include definitions of bullying, how they manifest particularly for LGBTQ+ people, and how staff members and practitioners can address these issues in the moment as well as through follow-up. Particular attention will be paid to why bullying situations can be complicated among care recipients as they may have mental or physical comorbidities that affect how they show up in social situations.


All training components include video interviews with constituents from various SAGE programs, case studies, and scenarios that reflect experience in the field from licensed professionals. 

Students will learn the fundamentals of infection control, with a focus on the personal care facility resident. Content includes transmission of infections and blood borne pathogens, role of immunizations, and practices to keep residents and staff safe. 

In this course, participants develop an understanding of how to identify cognitive issues and practical use of intervention strategies when caring for residents with depression, delirium, and dementia, including Alzheimer’s disease.

Identifying a set of initiatives and techniques that can help staff and residents deal more effectively with the uncomfortable emotions caused by these interactions, through analyzing the specific stressors and taking positive actions to minimize their effects.

This course will provide an understanding of mental health.  We will look at different mental health diagnoses, symptoms and types of treatment as well as what we can provide at our facilities that will help address some of these concerns, including what we can add to a Resident’s Support Plans related to mental health needs. Case scenarios will allow the participant to build skills to identify red flags and develop interventions that will prevent potentially unsafe behaviors from occurring. Please register for only one session.

Risk Management is a logical and systematic method of identifying, analyzing, remediating and monitoring the risks involved in any activity or process. In accordance with this method, this course will provide personal care home workers broad awareness on recognizing risks and subsequent hazards as it relates to their workplace. It will further provide an orientation and expansion of information as it relates site environmental safety and health. Participants will be made aware of the advantages associated with the process of risk management and associated loss control methods along with the implementation of prioritized interventions and mitigations. Please register for only one session.

This course will provide information on responding to allegations of resident abuse, neglect or exploitation. Principles of care are integrated with day to day tasks of the supervisor and direct care staff persons in a personal care home setting. Case studies will be provided to practice the identification and completion of reporting requirements. Please register for only one session.

This course will expand the knowledge of personal care home staff in understanding events that are considered violations and, using root causes analysis, prepare action plans that prevent such violations.

This course is designed to inform the participant how to recognize potentially aggressive or violent situations as it relates to the personal care home environment. Methods to verbally mediate or defuse aggressive behaviors will be discussed and explored. Employee safety will be discussed within a challenging environment of regulatory responsibilities. Recognizing that each facility and circumstances have unique challenges, this course will provide a variety of options to consider and employ in order to achieve the desired outcome for all stakeholders. Please register for only one session.

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