Pillar 04

A Dynamic & Healthy NCC Organization

Empowering a dynamic and healthy NCC organization that drives institutional growth.

NCC’s people – it’s faculty and staff members - are the engine that drives its success. Simply put, there is no NCC without them.

To ensure a productive and healthy organization, where everyone is valued, respected and can thrive, we will establish a work environment that motivates faculty and staff to do their best work. That’s vital to the college’s success, to achieving its goals and in the long run, helping students succeed.


A dynamic NCC organization that fuels the college’s growth, enables the success of students and empowers the professional and personal development of faculty and staff members.

Key Initiatives

We will...

  • create a culture of innovation and accountability with new processes for attracting, developing, retaining, and recognizing excellent employees to empower their success.

  • develop engagement programs that encourages employees’ involvement in the community through volunteer roles that enhance their job satisfaction and improve quality of life in the area.

  • support our campus community members by expanding programs that focus on mental and physical health and wellness.

  • adopt practices that assist employees in gaining the technology know-how that can be applied in their roles to instill continuous improvement practices, helping grow a workforce that produces, understands, shares, and acts on good data.



Establish an organizational culture that fosters belonging and models a commitment to lifelong education, a growth mindset, and DEIJ.


Maintain operations that are that are mission-focused, responsive to emerging needs focused on continuous improvement.


Enable a data literate organization that can understand, access and apply NCC’s resources in data-informed decision making


Create business processes that support forward-looking, sustainable and effective operations.


Expand effective processes for attracting, retaining, and recognizing excellent employees in support of a great working environment.