About Our Pantries
After learning that many students were often going hungry as they struggled to make ends meet, members of NCC’s Nursing Student Organization (NSO) worked over a year to establish an initial food pantry on Bethlehem Campus. The doors of the Helping Our Peers Excel (H.O.P.E.) Food Pantry first opened for students in fall 2016 at the Bethlehem Campus. Soon after, the Compassionate Aid and Resources for Everyone (C.A.R.E.) Food Pantry opened in 2018 for students at NCC’s Pocono Campus. Coordinated by NCC’s Dental Hygiene Student Organization, the Providing Everyone A Chance to Excel (P.E.A.C.E.) Food Pantry opened in 2023 for students at NCC’s Fowler Family Southside Center
Food insecurity is a problem even for students who are employed, participate in a campus meal plan, or seek other financial or material help. Students who struggle to eat, also struggle to focus, compete academically, and to graduate.
Staffed by volunteers, the pantries provide non-perishable food items, and some wellness items, that are donated and gathered through NCC’s food drives. Second Harvest Food Bank provides additional support to the H.O.P.E. Food Pantry at Bethlehem. Today, the pantries continue to help college students on their path to success!
Bethlehem H.O.P.E. Pantry
Location: Penn Hall Room 122-A
Hours: Tuesday - Thursday from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.
*Please remember that the pantry is closed during breaks and between semesters.
H.O.P.E. Pantry Notes:
- When school is closed, the pantry is closed.
- To shop, please bring your student ID.
- To make an alternative appointment, please email hopepantry@northampton.edu
- If you would like to donate pantry items, they can be dropped off in the grocery carts located outside of Penn Hall 113.
H.O.P.E Pantry Contacts:
Michele Cohen, Assistant Professor, NSO and Faculty Advisor (Bethlehem)
Email: mcohen@northampton.edu
Yvonne Haddock, Social Work student and Pantry Coordinator (Bethlehem)
Email: yhaddock@northampton.edu
Pocono C.A.R.E. Pantry
Location: KAPP Hall, Ground Floor Entryway (KAPP 10)
Hours: Monday: 8:00-12:00, Tuesday: 8:00-9:30, Wednesday: 8:00-4:00, Thursday: 9:00-10:00 and 1:30-2:30, Friday: Closed
C.A.R.E. Pantry Notes:
- When school is closed, the pantry is closed.
- To shop, please bring your student ID.
- If you would like to donate pantry items, they can be dropped off in the grocery carts located in KAPP lobby or Keystone Hall.
- C.A.R.E. Pantry Contact: Antoinette McCreary, NSO and Pantry Faculty Advisor (Pocono), Email: amccreary@northampton.edu
Fowler P.E.A.C.E. Pantry
Location: Fowler Room 19
Hours: Monday through Friday 11-1
P.E.A.C.E. Pantry Notes:
- When school is closed, the pantry is closed.
- To shop, please bring your student ID.
- If you want to donate pantry items, they can be dropped off in the P.E.A.C.E. Pantry boxes by the elevators in the main lobby and on the third floor of Fowler.
P.E.A.C.E. Pantry Contact: Kate Karalunas, Pantry Faculty Advisor (Fowler).
Email: kkaralunas@northampton.edu