Financial Policies

Bursar Policies

Please review our policies below if you have questions regarding payment, refunds, tuition credit or other bursar-related policies. If you need assistance or further clarification, contact us at

Payment for tuition and fees is due, in full, by the semester tuition due date published in the academic calendar.


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Students who drop courses with the approval of the Records office prior to the date specified in the Academic Calendar, will be entitled to a 100 percent refund (or adjustment) of tuition and fees charged, less and any amounts owed to the College for fines, returned checks and other charges and fees. View full policy details.

Students who wish to withdraw from non-credit courses must formally request withdrawal with the College and will be eligible for a refund as follows:


  • 100% Refund - Withdraw 5 business days prior to the first day of class
  • 50% Refund - Withdraw 3-4 business days prior to the first day of class
  • 0% Refund - Withdraw less than 3 business days prior to the first day of class


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A separate refund schedule, processing fee and policy applies to Housing & Residence Life charges. Please reference the current semester Housing & Residence Life Handbook for detailed semester information.

  • Application Fee
  • Security Deposit
  • Room
  • Meal Plan


How you get your refund

The Housing Department will notify the Bursar’s office of a change in charges.

All refunds are disbursed from NCC by BankMobile Disbursements, a technology solution, powered by BMTX, Inc. . Students will receive funds to their selected refund preference. . For more information about BankMobile Disbursements, visit this link: 


Refunds will only be paid to the student according to their refund preference except for a) contractual third party payments – refund payable to third party named, and b) excess parent plus loan funds – refund payable to the parent. Refunds for amounts paid to NCC by check are not processed until 2 weeks after the payment was deposited.

Please reference the current semester Housing & Residence Life Handbook for detailed semester information regarding the Housing Break of Contract policy and procedure.

View Handbook & Related Resources

Tuition and fees at Northampton Community College are based on a student's permanent place of residence.


Students who have a permanent place of residence and meet all of the requirements as defined in the Northampton County or Monroe County Residency Policies are eligible to receive the applicable residency tuition and fee rate.


Residency is determined by the Admissions Office during the Admissions Application process and communicated to the student in the student's Letter of Acceptance. Changes in a student's residency which occur after a student is accepted to NCC are processed by the Registrar's Office.


View Full Residency Policy

A student who must withdraw from Northampton Community college due to an involuntary call to Active military duty may apply for credit or refund of tuition and fees paid. Requests for refund will be reviewed on an individual basis. Students who received financial aid or a financial aid refund may or may not be eligible for a tuition refund but would be eligible to receive a tuition credit. Students must provide a copy of their military orders to the Records Office at the time of withdrawal to be considered for the credit or refund.


Military tuition credit must be used within a (1) year period after release from active duty. Tuition credit will not be granted if a student received academic credit for courses in which he/she was enrolled. If a student received financial aid during the semester for which credit is approved, the student must use the tuition credit for a subsequent semester before establishing eligibility for financial aid.

A Non-Medical Tuition Credit is limited to students who meet the eligibility requirements as described on the Petition Form and only with proper supporting documentation.


To apply for a Non-Medical Tuition Credit please submit The Petition for Non-medical Tuition Credit located in Workday under Academics/General Help/Petition for Non-Medical Tuition Credit.


Once submitted you will receive a letter within two weeks if your petition has been approved or rejected. If approved the credit will be applied to future semesters at Northampton Community College.


View Workday Instructions - Non-Medical Emergency (PDF)

A student who must withdraw from Northampton Community College due to a medical emergency (serious illness or injury), may apply for credit for tuition and eligible fees paid. This credit, if granted, may be applied toward tuition charges (credit courses only) upon his/her return to the College, and this is not transferable or refundable. Tuition credit will not be granted more than once for the same medical condition.


Medical tuition and fees credit must be used within a one (1) year period after the end of the semester the student has taken leave from the institution. Tuition credit will not be granted if a student received academic credit for courses in which he/she was enrolled. If a student received financial aid during the semester for which credit is approved, the student must use the tuition credit for a subsequent semester before establishing eligibility for financial aid.


View Workday Instructions - Medical Emergency (PDF)

The NCC Spartan Card is your official NCC Photo ID. Your Spartan Card also allows you to take advantage of NCC services with the ease of not carrying cash. Use it to make purchases using your flex dollars in any NCC dining facility, bookstore and selected vending machines. The card is also used for library services and to access residence halls and selected labs.

View more information

Northampton county residents who are 65 years of age or older qualify for a tuition and fee waiver for credit courses (noncredit does not qualify for a waiver). The waiver must be requested by the student at the time of registration. A valid PA Photo ID or PA Driver's License is also required. Note: Waiver is provided for tuition, comprehensive fee and technology fee only. Academic course fees, textbooks and other expenses that may be required for course completion are not included and are the responsibility of the student. Tuition and Fee Waiver plus other forms of financial aid awards and/or third-party payments received on behalf of the student cannot exceed tuition and eligible fee charges and if so, will reduce the Tuition and Fee Waiver accordingly.

Financial Aid Policies

If you have questions regarding finanical aid, contact us at

Certain questions on the FAFSA form require additional dependency verification.

View full policy details

View dates and additional information on financial aid refunds. Click Here

Federal regulations require students to maintain satisfactory academic progress toward the completion of their degree or certificate program in order to qualify for financial aid. This policy applies to any student entering or returning to NCC.


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The FAFSA is looking at financial or family circumstances as they exist a year or two before you actually become a student. We understand a lot can change during that time! The NCC Financial Aid team has a process in place to review these changes and help you qualify for any additional aid you may be eligible for due to these changes.


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