Clery Geography

On-Campus Property

Any building or property owned or controlled by the campus within the same reasonably contigu-ous geographic area and used by the campus in direct support of, or in a manner related to, the campus’ educational purposes, including residence halls; and any building or property that is within or reasonably contiguous campus that is owned by the campus but controlled by another person, is frequently used by students, and supports campus purposes (e.g., a food or retail ven-dor).


On-Campus Student Housing

Any student housing facility that is owned or controlled by the institution, or is located on property that is owned or controlled by the institution, and is within the reasonably contiguous geographic area that makes up the campus is considered an on-campus student housing facility.


Public Property

All public property, including thoroughfares, streets, sidewalks, and parking facilities, that is within the campus or immediately adjacent to and accessible from the campus.


Noncampus Property

Any building or property owned or controlled by a student organization that is officially recognized by the campus, or any building or property owned or controlled by the campus that is used in di-rect support of, or in relation to, the campus’ educational purposes, is frequently used by stu-dents, and is not within the same reasonably contiguous geographic area of the campus

NCC Clery Geography Maps

Clery geography maps aid the campus community in better understanding Northampton Community College's campus boundaries and public spaces for each of our campuses.

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